Around August or September of 2013, fall allergens were kicking in and “Muscadine's “ skin was getting quite inflamed and irritated. We had to be careful what she wore or sat on. Polyester was a huge problem for her. Even certain smells would trigger an itching fit. This was also about the time we learned bahia grass was an issue for her. We asked her pediatrician to order a blood allergy panel, which showed that she was highly allergic to almost EVERYTHING. This confirmed that her immune system was in hyper-mode and her body was full of inflammation. How Muscadine's skin looked on the outside is how the lungs of an asthma patient look like on the inside. Her pediatrician recommended an asthma medicine to calm her system down and that she carry an epi-pen. She had never seen numbers this bad, and was concerned that “Muscadine” would experience life-threatening reactions at this point. I wanted to research the medicine and pray about what was best for her. The Lord led us down a different path.
I learned about a protealytic enzyme called Wobenzyme, that was developed in Germany and used for inflammation in the body. Protealytic enzymes act like PacMan; chomping away at anything foreign in its path and help take care of inflammation in the blood, muscles and joints. She took this enzyme for about a year and it proved to be very beneficial for her. Over the next few years, we realized healing was a gruesome and tedious process that is an inside job. “Muscadine's” legs and elbows were so scratched up they bled and oozed. She spent 2 weeks home from school in 2012 because she couldn't straighten out her legs enough to walk. Baths were a nightmare. We were all stressed and sleep deprived. Our independent oldest child became our baby. Trips to the grocery store were heart breaking. I pushed her around the store in the cart as I shopped and read every label on anything I put in the buggy. We were frequently asked if she had the chicken pox – she had pimples all over her legs that actually resembled chicken pox but were actually toxins being shed. Sometimes it was easier to just say yes than to explain what was going on. Her intolerances were so involved, and there was little that she didn't react to in the beginning. It was stressful. At first, she couldn't even tolerate olive oil or coconut oil.

I had to use canola oil way more that I wanted too because it was the only thing she didn't seem to react to. Anything canned was out of the question. I literally shopped the outer edge of the grocery store and even that was with a “fine-toothed comb”. We switched to whole grains and non-traditional grains, raw local honey, green apples, stone fruits, and Greenwise chicken breast. I had to be super careful to rotate her foods around every few days or her skin would flare up. I learned a different way to cook and after a few years, these changes were like second nature to me.
I also learned a great deal about food and felt like a walking encyclopedia and food detective. I went to the extreme with her because I needed too so her body could begin to heal. She was an extreme case and it was very important to me to keep her off the conventional medicines used to “treat” her issues. I wasn't interested in masking the symptoms. I wanted to get to the root of the issue and fix that. As we uncovered each layer, we began to see progress.
The Lord used this health crisis with “Muscadine” to show us first hand how processed, dead foods impacted our health. The skin truly is a reflection of what is happening on the inside. As the body heals, it focuses on healing from the inside out. We had started our healing journey from the inside out. And at times, it felt like we went backwards before we saw major steps forward. Our journey isn't over, but we have come a long way over the last six years. The Lord has orchestrated every step and I give Him all the glory for her healing.